- Once the Registration screens are completed and a username and password selected you may exit at any time. To return go to www.onemp.com, enter your username and password and click 'Sign In' to continue. If you have not previously registered with One Medical Passport, please accept the Terms of Use and click 'Register'. Complete the registration screens and select a username and password.
- Each medical history screen is validated and saved when the Next button on the bottom of the screen is clicked.
- Fields with an asterisk are required. Each required field must be completed before moving to the next screen.
- NOTE: Clicking the browser back arrow to access a previous web page will cause the contents of the current page to be lost. Always use the navigation buttons (Back or Next) on the bottom of each screen to access the previous or next screen.
- To Exit your Medical Passport and return later click Exit/Save on the bottom of any medical history screen. To return go to www.onemp.com, enter your username and password and click 'Sign In' to continue.
- If your screen is idle for 45 minutes (no keyboard or mouse activity) you will receive a popup warning. If you ignore this warning you will be logged out. If you get logged out while using One Medical Passport check your internet settings.
Answer: Click 'Forget your username or password?' on the Welcome screen. You will be asked to provide your last name, your date of birth and the email address that you registered with. You may optionally enter your username. Once your information is validated you will be asked to verify security question(s). You may elect to receive a reset code by text or by email. After entering the reset code your username is provided and you may reset your password.
Answer: Please follow the prompts on the screen and make sure your password meets the following requirements:
- At least one number and one letter
- At least 6 characters
- Does not match username
- No % or spaces
Answer: You may change your password by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' on the Welcome screen. Once you have identified yourself by entering your username and password you may click Cancel, then select 'Other Options', and then select 'Change My Password', you will be prompted to enter a new password.
Answer: Only one primary contact phone number is required. You may put any phone number you wish in the Primary Phone number field. If you have entered partial or incomplete information in any fields and you receive a popup message, delete the partial information and you may move to the next screen.
Answer: If session information is being blocked by your computer you will see this behavior when you click Next on the Basic Screening page. Session cookies allow this site to be maintained so that we know who is logged in as they move through the screens. Check your browser's security settings to make sure session cookies are permitted. There may also be other software that is causing the problem, such as if you have two firewalls running.
Answer: You may have selected an alternate language from the translator drop down in the upper right corner of the Welcome screen. Please reselect English from the translator drop down to reset the screens or click 'Show Original' in the Google Translate bar that runs across the top of the page to reset the default language to English.
Answer: Click 'Forget your username or password?' on the Welcome screen. Click the 'password' link, and then click 'address update'. Enter the old email address followed by the new email address and your username and click Submit.
Answer: You may modify your personal information by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' on the Welcome screen. Once you have identified yourself by entering your username and password you may click Cancel, then select 'Other Options', then select Edit my name, address, insurance, or other personal information.
Answer: You may modify a not downloaded Medical Passport by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. Once you have identified yourself by entering your username and password you may click Cancel, then select 'Other Options' and 'Review / Edit a previously submitted copy of my Medical Passport'.
Please note: If the Medical Passport has been downloaded by the medical facility you will not be able to modify it. If you have important information that was omitted from the Medical Passport you created for your current procedure and the Medical Passport is in a Downloaded status, you may complete another Medical Passport by selecting the 'Medical Facility and Physician' option to submit an updated Medical Passport to the medical facility. The Medical Passport screens will be auto populated with the medical history you previously provided.
Answer: You may login by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. If your Medical Passport was started within the last week it will ask if you would like to complete it by clicking 'Edit'. Otherwise, go to the Facility/Physician Office Information screen and select Finish an 'Incomplete Medical Passport'. Select the Medical Passport and you will be returned to the last screen you were on.
Answer: Please make sure you have filled in every field marked with an asterisk. If you entered any spaces, partial, incomplete or invalid information, please delete the information as this may prevent you from moving forward.
Answer: Please complete the following steps to add a medication to your Medical Passport:
- Click "Yes" for the "Do you take any medications" question at the top of your screen.
- Enter the full or partial medication name.
- Check the box to the left of a medication to select it from the list.
- Select the Type from the dropdown, type in the Dose, select Route (if required), select Frequency and Reason Taken from the dropdowns, then click Add.
- Repeat steps 1 through 4 to include additional prescription, non-prescription, herbals, vitamins or supplements.
- If you do not see your medication in the pre-loaded list, please click "Medication Not Listed - Click to Add". Follow the screen prompt to enter the Medication/Dose/Frequency/Reason.
- Once you have added all of your medications click NEXT on the bottom of the screen.
Answer: If your doctor is not listed, or you are not sure if the correct one is listed, click the 'Not Sure' option. To search for your doctor, enter the full or partial last name only. Click on the physician in the results drop down to select. If you are unsure of the spelling you may just enter a few letters of the last name. The search will return all doctors with matching letters in their last name. For example, searching by "Sm" could return "Smith", "Smyth" and "Boesm". If your doctor is listed click the name to select them. If you are using an ipad you may need to click twice to select the physician.
Answer: It is necessary to create an updated version of your existing Medical Passport for each new procedure to ensure that your information is correct and up to date. You may login by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. On the Facility/Physician Office Information screen select the 'Medical Facility and Physician' option. The Medical Passport screens will be auto populated with the medical history you previously provided. Once you review and complete your updated information, click Finish to submit the Medical Passport to the Medical Facility.
Answer: Once you complete all screens and click 'Finish' your information is available to the medical facility. You may optionally receive a confirmation email by leaving the email option checked on the Finish screen.
Answer: If the Medical Passport(s) have not been downloaded by the medical facility you may login by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. Once you have identified yourself by entering your username and password you may click Cancel, then select 'Other Options', then 'Delete an existing copy of my Medical Passport'.
Answer: You may update your medical history at any time. Login by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. On the Facility/Physician Office Information screen select the Personal Use Only option to update your medical history information.
Answer: You may create another Medical Passport for a family member using the same username and password. Enter your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. Once you have identified yourself by entering your username and password you may click Cancel, select 'Other Options', then select 'Create a Medical Passport for a Family Member'.
Answer: You may login by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. Once you have identified yourself by entering your username and password you may click Cancel, select 'Other Options', then select 'Print a copy of my Medical Passport'. If you have Adobe Acrobat (available freely at Adobe.com) installed on your computer you may print a .pdf copy and save it to your computer. In the popup window, click Generate Report. Click on the Printer icon in the popup print window. Make sure your printer is on and attached to your computer. You may print a copy of your Medical Passport report or save the .pdf copy to your computer.
Answer: The Preoperative Instructions are displayed and can be printed when you finish your Medical Passport. If you missed this screen, you may login by entering your username and password and clicking 'Sign In' the Welcome screen. Click 'View' on the Facility/Physician Office Information screen. Click 'View' to see the associated preoperative instructions for a facility. The instructions appear in a popup window. Click the printer icon (upper left) to print a copy of the instructions. If you have Adobe Acrobat (available freely at Adobe.com) installed on your computer you may print a .pdf copy or save it to your computer.
Answer: If the facility you selected does not collect insurance information through One Medical Passport you will not be prompted to enter this information when you register with One Medical Passport. You may provide this information directly to the medical facility.
Answer: You may select the option for Health Insurance Company from the drop down and enter any insurance information you wish. There are also selections for Medicaid, Medicare, Self-Pay and None. You are not required to select an insurance company from the drop down as this may be a partial listing. Please note: only the Insurance Company Name and Policy Number are required.
Answer: One Medical Passport does not schedule procedures or confirm scheduling times or billing information. Please contact the medical facility or your physician's office with any questions or concerns you may have about your scheduled procedure.
Answer: The way One Medical Passport works is that you control your medical information and share it with the medical facility of your choice. Patient information is stored in the secure One Medical Passport database. If you return for another procedure in the future, simply click 'Sign In' to log back in and make any necessary updates and share the information with the facility for the new procedure. Once you complete the initial registration you will not have to enter your information again. We also allow you to store this information for your own personal use, so you have a record of your health information. The medical facility downloads a copy of your medical history (called a Medical Passport) for the procedure you share with them, and it becomes part of your medical record at the facility. For security reasons we can't provide detailed information about security, but we can assure you that we follow strict controls of access to our production servers and have implemented the latest security measures for monitoring and protecting of data. The security of the information you provide is our primary concern.